Friday, 25 May 2012

So Much Nicer

Regular readers will know that this is our "travel" blog, and not for ordinary travel, at that.

This post is about one of the world's most fabulous of travel destinations - England on a summery day.

Today, Clare and I came for lunch at the John Lewis Partnership's country pad beside the Thames in Berkshire. We ate in the open and then strolled along the river under a cloudless sky.

It is a mayfly day. Two sat on my leg the whole time I was eating, and stayed there whilst I went indoors, answered nature's call, and returned.

The birds are singing and we're just off home, via a garden centre, for a barbecue in the back garden of our home. Bliss!

Health note: The tests on Clare's tum came back clear, so she's done a 3-day fast in the hope of shaking the last traces of her ailment. The original plan had us flying to Bangkok today, but now we have to make a different plan.

We'll stay home this weekend (the Monaco Grand Prix - my favourite F1 race of the year - is on anyway) and see how we are on Monday; maybe going away in the UK for a couple of days, with the hope of being ready to travel at the end of the week.

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