9 days until we fly to Miami, so everything is getting manic at home and work. It has come around so quickly, and only seems like yesterday since we started planning this trip. Also still cannot believe that we have 7 months off work! This is going to be a trip of a lifetime, although it has still not sunk in yet really what we are doing, it will probably become real when we are on the plane.
From Dave:
I love the Great Circle Mapper at gc.kls2.com, and so I put on the three legs of our trip to see what they look like. You can paste the airport-chain lists below into their "Paths" box and see the maps and detail of the flights.
First leg:
Lhr-mia, Mia-bze, bze-mia, Mia-lim, lim-pem, pem-cuz, lpb-eze, eze-lhr = 17,593 Miles
Second leg:
Lhr-pek, pek-xiy, Xiy-iqn, yih-sha, sha-nrt, nrt-lhr = 13,478 Miles
Third leg:
Lhr-bkk, bkk-hkt, hkt-bkk, bkk-syd, syd-cns, cns-bne, bne-hti, Hti-syd, syd-nan, nan-hnl, hnl-lax, lax-jfk, jfk-Lhr = 28,647 Miles
That adds up to a grand total of 59,719 miles to be flown, and I'm pretty certain that we'll drive more than 281 miles as we travel round Argentina and Chile.
A few notes in closing:
- Thanks to Dave's employer, Atos, for granting a career break, so he doesn't need to worry about having a job to return to afterward.
- Thanks to Clare's employer, Waitrose, for giving her a long leave (with pay!!).
- Thanks to Crispin Speers & Partners, Dave's travel insurer through work, for stretching the maximum trip period to cover the whole of leg 1. Cheers!
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